It’s school holiday AGAIN!
Sometimes I wonder if I spend more time studying or holiday-ing. Don’t get me wrong, I love HOLIDAY (who doesn’t, right?) but if I recalled correctly, I think we just got back from winter break like 5 weeks ago!!!
Anyway, what matters is–> it’s holiday again!!!
So says ALOHA to:
– late night cartoon
– lazing in bed in the morning
– indoor playground
– FUN, FUN and more FUN
Daddy is on a work trip to Manchester but mummy said it is better for us to stay in DUBAI because of the you-know-what VIRUS that is going on around the world. Anyway, I guess I don’t mind since its freezing in Manchester right now and it gets dark around 3.30pm anyway.
Plus mummy promised to bring me to this newly opened Oompa Loompa for chocolate making masterclass (how cool is that!).
Oooh… silly me. I have not introduced myself.

Hello… I am Jaclyn. Don’t mind me. I am enjoying my favourite BR Cotton Candy ice-cream.
I am from Singapore and we kinda moved to Dubai 2 years ago because daddy got relocated (To be honest, I don’t exactly know what it means but I am guessing it’s something like we move our whole house 5840km across the ocean because that’s what we did!)
At first, I was kinda sad to leave all my friends and it’s not like I can be instantly popular and get many new friends here. The first few months were tough but with my strong willpower (and of course some support from my family), I am adapting well now and I have new BFFs.

This is my brother, he is quite a pain-in-the-ass, seriously what’s with the face.
We practically quarreled 99% of the time!!! Do you quarrel with your siblings much?
You probably wouldn’t unless your brother is as ANNOYING as mine!

This is my parents, my cute cute fatty daddy and my ever-nagging mummy. I do love them but sometimes, I just wish they would leave me alone (literally!).
Enough with my ranting.
Back to Oompa Loompa, so I guess whoever read Charlie and the chocolate factory would know what it is. It’s this little man that works in the factory and it’s like a dream come true job. Imagine basking around in chocolate all day long, who wouldn’t like this job, right?
The weather is beautiful on that day. The skies are blue and the weather is perfect (sunny with cool breeze). There are so many beach-goers on the beach, basking under the sun or dipping in the sea.

We arrived at the restaurant just 10 minutes before the scheduled class at 12pm. We parked all the way across the ocean at Bluewater and walked over because parking at Bluewater is FREE (yeah, this is exactly the kinda thing mummy would do).
Well, mummy said that parking at JBR (where the restaurant is located) is expensive. We do get a 3 hour free parking if we spend a minimum AED 100 which we will since we are going for the class BUT mummy says there is no chance she could drag us out within 3 hours because there is an indoor playground at the restaurant (yes, you heard me right! There is AN INDOOR PLAYGROUND and there is no limit how long you can play there!!!! WOW!!!) and she is right! We ended up staying there for 5 hours and she practically had to DRAG us home.

The chocolate making class is all right I guess. We spend some time crushing cocoa beans, adding some sugar in it. We also get a mini history class on cocoa beans and how it is consumed in the olden days.
Did you know that in the oldie times in Mexico, they add chilli, black pepper and salt with cocoa powder and drink? OMG! YUCK! It’s totally disgusting. Hence there is another name for chocolate drink, its called the spicy water, like seriously?!
Then we were given some melted chocolate to put it into a mould that we chose and tadaaaa, its DONE! Just like that.

On weekday it costs AED 65 (compared to weekend at AED 130) so it’s quite a bargain (otherwise mummy wouldn’t bring us, haha!)
After the chocolate making class, we had crepes and juice (the food comes complimentary with the class) and then it’s PARTY time.

My brother and I had lots of fun at the playground with some other new “friends” that we met there. By the way, we didn’t quarrel today, at least not at Oompa Loompa although he did annoys me on our way back.
We were picking some seashells while walking back and when I drop one of my pretty sea shells, he just picked it up and said “Finders Keepers!!!” ARGHHHHH!!!!!
xoxo, Jaclyn
Notes from mummy:- Oompa Loompa @ JBR, Dubai Chocolate masterclass price: AED 65 (weekday), AED 130 (weekend) Chocolate masterclass slots: 10am, 12pm, 2.30pm, 4.30pm, 6.30pm