A short getaway to Al Aqah, Fujairah

Spring break sprung on us unexpectedly, and with the travel advice and situation changing daily, daddy said it is best to stay put in UAE to avoid not being able to come back (as many flights cancellation and some countries just suddenly close their border).

Daddy booked us a 3 days 2 nights stay at Intercontinental Al Aqah in Fujairah two hours drive away from where we reside in Dubai. We went there once last year and had an amazing time.

The weather is perfect at the moment to enjoy the beach and pool. As many people chose to stay home during this time, there are not much people at the hotel and we did our due diligence in keeping our hands clean/sanitise and drink lots of water to keep our mouth moist.

We arrived around 3pm as daddy had a meeting in Fujairah and we went to Oriental Restaurant in Fujairah city centre for lunch. We particularly loved their salted egg squid and we ordered a second serving.

Our view from room!

We had a good time at the resort, having a well deserved short getaway in midst of the chaos.

Jaclyn and me loved the bath tub so much, we finished the whole big bottle of bubble bath mummy brought. Jaclyn kept saying ” This is the perfect life while dipping herself in the tub”. Haha!

Breakfast is included in the package and Jaclyn kept imitating my perfect way to eat an egg yolk off a sunny-side up without dripping.

Do you wanna know how I did it?

Just suck it up vertically…..


Slurp- super yummy! Highlight of breakkie!

The beach is wonderful as well. Not overly crowded and the weather is very nice in late afternoon/evening, love the cool breeze.

But late morning is best to sleep in or just enjoying the kids club. We learned it the hard way, we went swimming one morning and I came back with a super tanned line.

We saw lots of jellyfish washed up to the shore, maybe it is the jellyfish season? cause we didn’t see any the last time we visited.

This is the top view of jellyfish. Check out how reflective it is.
And this is the view from the bottom. Pretty cool yeah?

By the way, I tried to bury Jaclyn in the sand so that I can get “rid” of her but unfortunately, my plan is unsuccessful cause she is home with me now!!!

Need to dig a bigger hole next time! Hahaha!

Daddy enjoying himself a lot too , practising his drone skill. Check out his cool drone!

Last but not least, sharing a few of my favourite pics from the trip:

Jaclyn and me on the first day! Check out my expression. I love making cool faces!!! Makes photo more interesting, right?
That’s us enjoying the pool with my eyes closed , hahaha!!!
That’s my sexy sister. I must admit, she does looks like a babe 🙂
Another one of my sis. Looking chic there!
That’s me, making a “sandy” cocktail for mummy.
But mummy said she prefer her own cocktail…*sob* *sob*
Wonderful view at night with full moon
We met a Malaysian big brother working as apprentice at the hotel. He is very friendly and happy to found fellow Malaysian in Dubai!

Till my next post!

xoxo Justin

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