Soft and fluffy Taiwanese Castella Cake

INGREDIENTS (Make one 8 inches round pan):
1. 100g fresh milk
2. 100g sugar
3. 6 egg yolks
4. 6 egg whites
5. 85g plain flour
6. 15g corn starch
7. 100g butter
1. Sieve the plain flour and corn starch into a mixing bowl.
2. In a pot, heat up the milk and butter on medium heat until it is melted.
3. While the milk/butter mixture is still hot, pour them into the flour mixture and mix. The dough will be thick at this time.
4. Add in egg yolk in batches and stir vigorously. Set aside.
5. In another mixing bowl, whisk the egg white until it turns foamy. Then, add in sugar and beat until it reaches medium peak (see photo).
6. Mix in 1/3 of the egg white into the flour mixture. Stir until all is combine.
7. Add in the balance 2/3 of the egg white into the flour mixture and just combine them until it is mix. Do not over-mix.
8. Place the batter into a baking pan and bake for 150 degree Celcius for 60 minutes in a water bath.
P/S: To make the water bath, add in hot water into a baking pan and place the baking pan with batter in the middle of the hot water pan.
9. Remove from oven after 60 minutes and let it cool down before cutting.
10. It should stay soft for a few days.

PHOTOS (for illustration only):

Separate the egg yolk and white.
After mixing the hot butter/milk mixture into the flour, it should look like a dough (Method number 3).
This is how it looks like after the addition of egg yolk (Method number 4)
Egg white should look like this , medium peak.
The final look at the batter before going into oven.
A nice brown skin once it is done.

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