Wadi Abadilah – stream and greenery hike

Hey guys, I am back to my blogging mode.

Today I am sharing our hike at Wadi Abadilah. Located somewhere in Fujairah, it is 1.5 hours away from Dubai. We had our simple breakfast at home before setting off for our hike. I am guessing early breakfast and car journey do not agree with me because this is the second time I am having nausea/diarrhea on our way to hiking. I puke the last time we went to Wadi Showka and it was definitely not a pleasant experience.

Although I did not vomit this time round but I was feeling totally unwell on the journey there. I only felt better after hiking for a bit and out in the fresh air.

Yes, there are lots of fresh air around as the first leg of the hike consists of stream/pools of water with trees surrounding it, making us lots of oxygen as I have learn in my UOI classes.

At the car park, you would see the flag. Head down the stairs next to the flag, and u will soon see the streams and trees.

Upon reaching the car park, you can see a flag which is next to a staircase. Take that staircase down and it will lead to a trail and at any point if you are comfortable, take the downward trail to the stream (there are a few to choose from). From there onwards, just explore on your own. The stream trail will come to an end and then it will be hiking on rocky trail, lots of boulders which are huge and require a push. The rocky trail part are mostly not shaded so do bring lots of water, wear a cap and put lots of sunscreen. Mini bites are definitely a must to keep the energy going!

Us playing at the big rocks along the way. So fun!

My sister and me had lots of fun at the stream area. Bring a chance of clothes or pack along a pair of slippers to wear after playing at the stream, otherwise bring a towel to wipe yourself dry. We spot lots of fishes, two frogs, a dragon fly (red one no doubt) and not forgetting a lizard that ate our strawberry. Totally fun playing at the stream, I would say it is the highlight of our hike!

trying out insta 360, see if it is really waterproof!

Do be extra careful though as snake had been spotted in the area before!

If you do plan to head here, this is the google map link to the entry point where you park your car. A 4WD is not required.


We had burgers for lunch after our hike at Outlet Burger and I would definitely recommend it. The burger bun is really soft and the fillings where fresh and abundant. They had Cheetos burger and it was so yummy!

Loving these burgers and fries!

Mummy made a YouTube video on our hike. Check out the cool underwater view of the fishes taken using our insta360.

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