INGREDIENTS (Make two 6″ chiffon cake):
Egg yolk batter:
1. 65g of fresh milk
2. 65g of oil (canola, corn or sunflower oil)
3. 200g mashed banana
4. 40g of sugar
5. 137g of all-purpose flour*
6. 23g of corn flour*
7. 1/3 teaspoon of salt
8. 7 egg yolks
* you can replace the all-purpose flour and corn flour with 160g cake flour
Egg white batter:
1. 7 egg whites
2. 80g sugar
1. Separate the egg white and yolk after removing them from fridge. Then set aside and let the eggs reach room temperature.
TIPS: Egg white and yolk separates easier when it is cold. Egg white beats better when it is at room temperature.
2. In a mixing bowl, add milk and oil. Mix them well until combine (as shown in photo below).
3. Then add in mashed banana and sugar. Mix well.
4. Next, sieve the all-purpose flour, corn flour and salt into the mixture.
5. Mix well and then add in egg yolks.
6. Combine them into a smooth batter as shown. Set aside.
7. In another mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until bubbly then add in sugar in two batches.
8. Continue beating them until medium peak (as shown in picture). The egg whites batter will stand at this point.
9. Add 1/3 of the egg white batter into the egg yolk batter. Mix to combine them using a spatula.
10. Then add in the rest of the egg white. Fold them until just combine. Do not overfold.
11. Pour the cake mixture into the chiffon cake pan, around 1/2 to 2/3 full.
TIPS: Do not oil the pan as the chiffon cake need to cling to the sides to allow it to rise.
12. Tap the chiffon cake pan on the table surface a few times to remove any bubble formed while pouring the batter into the pan.
13. Bake in oven preheated to 130 degree Celcius for 45 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 160 degree Celcius and bake for another 15 minutes.
14. To check if the cake is done, place a stick into the cake and if it comes out clean, it is done. If it is not, bake for a while more.
15. Invert the cake (as shown) for two hours or until it cools down.
16. Cut the cake only when it cools down completely.

PHOTOS (for illustration only):

My little helper mashing the banana up.
Mix the milk and oil until they are well combine.
The egg yolk batter texture before folding in the egg white batter.
Beat the egg white until medium peak as shown.
Place the cake batter into the pan, make sure it is only 1/2 to 2/3 full so that it will rise nicely and not break.
It is rising up nicely!
All done. Nice colour. Time to cool down , do remember to invert them.
Invert them like this and allow them to cool down for at least two hours. This is to prevent the cake from collapsing so that their texture will be spongy and airy.

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