Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday…… toooooo meeeee
Happy Birthday to me!!!

I am officially 10 years old! Can you believe it??!

I am so excited because finally my birthday party is confirmed! After postponing it for a year due to Covid, it is finally happening!

My breakfast this morning!

I had a really wonderful day on my actual birthday, starting with a nice burrata cheese breakfast followed by opening of my birthday present. I did not expect a birthday present as I thought the party is my present this year but just as I open my eyes this morning, I saw a nicely wrapped present on my table. OMG! Cant wait to see what is it!!!

Guess what…

It is a PHONE!!!

My first handphone!!! So excited and it is in a bright ORANGE colour!

After e-learning today, we head to The Arch for 2 hours of fun!

Followed by dinner at The Cheesecake Factory! IT was yummy. I had sausage roll and a piece of amazing strawberry cheesecake!

Few days later, over weekend, I had the most amazing birthday party! IT was so much fun and I had so many friends coming to play together.

So so so much fun OMG!

I am a happy girl!

Happy birthday darling!

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