Recent immunisation with Gardasil 9 and How to check/print immunisation record?(for Singaporean/PR)

Recently, after much consideration, I have decided to bring my daughter for HPV vaccine.

There are 3 HPV vaccine available in the market namely Cervarix, Gardasil and Gardasil 9. Cervarix protects against HPV 16 and 18 while Gardasil covers 6, 11, 16 and 18. The most coverage is provided by Gardasil-9 covers HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58.

HPV 16 and 18 is considered high risk variant and accounts for 70% of cervical cancer and 84% of anal cancer. Hence, if you are looking to cover for these high variant cancer, then either one would be sufficient. However, in light of new studies, there are a few other high risk variant discovered and they are covered by the Gardasil 9. If cost is not a concerned, then Gardasil 9 would be a better choice as it also covers genital warts and some other high risk variants.

Since the Gardasil 9 is covered under our insurance package here in Dubai, we have decided to go for it instead of waiting to get the free injection in Singapore when my daughter is 13-14 years old (most country offers it between the age of 11-14 years old). The vaccine is recommended for kids 9-26 years old so since my girl is already 10 years old, it seems like a good time for her to get the injections. Another pros of getting it early (before 15 years old) is that you only need two doses at 0,6 months instead of three doses at 0,1,6 months.

After the immunisation, I do need to update the immunisation record with Health Promotion Board in Singapore so that in the event that we go back to Singapore in secondary school, my girl will not need to take the jab again.

So, in order to update the record, I will need to email the following documents to the HPB

  1. Birth Certificate for the child
  2. Citizenship Certificate (If not Singaporean at birth)
  3. Passport
  4. Immunisation record
  5. Identity card of both parents (front and back)
  6. Contact number and email for both parents
  7. Residential and mailing address

Email address:

If you would like to assess and check your child past immunisation record, you can log in using your Singpass at the same website. Log in using your own SingPass and add your child’s birth cert under dependant and you will be able to view their immunisation records.

Hope this helps!

Ah girl after the jab- playing with her pop it!

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