A roller-coaster week

This week is crazy!!! Too many things happening!!!

My emotions is totally going through a roller coaster.

There are some good news and some bad news, so let’s start with the bad ones first.

I was supposed to go on a 2 days 1 night camping trip in Fujairah and everything is set in stone. My parents gave their permission, we signed up for it and have decided who will be in the same camp BUT just one week before the camp, MoE came out with a directives and all schools had to cancelled all the school trip, outing and that includes our CAMP!! OOOOMMMMGGGGG!!!

I was really really really SAD, I wanted to cry but I did not. Some of my friends are literally CRYING their hearts out!!!

And if that wasn’t enough, our school musical this year is postponed until further notice. We have put in so much effort and has been practising for MONTHS!!!

Before I even recovered from the shock, another bomb landed!

Out of a sudden, spring break is brought forward a month and we only get the news like two days before we had to go on spring break.

I guess I kinda understand that measures need to be done, considering a few confirmed cases of COVID-19 , and one of it involving a student, hence, the school closure. I just feel kinda bad for some people that have make their spring break plans. We are ok cause we were not planning to go anywhere during the spring break as we will be moving house.

Enough with the bad news.

Let’s cheer up with some good news!

YAY, its holiday all over again! We just had two weeks of study after the previous half term break and its holiday for 4 weeks! Technically two weeks is holiday and another two weeks is online learning. Not sure how that’s gonna work when we are staying home!

Anyway, it’s fine, we just gonna have lots of fun and think bout the online learning in 2 weeks. On the first day already Justin had his friends over to play PIE FACE. IT was so fun and we practically licked off the whipped cream on our face!

Look at our happy face!
Look at our happy faces!

AND I got another GOOD news… or should I say superb news!



Ella is just way too CUTE!!!

And I named it Ella Fluffy Furball. “Ella” for short.

We got it at the Sharjah Bird and Animal Market. Its so cute and I love it soo much!

At first it kept bitting me, so daddy gave me a gloves to wear while handling Ella but now Ella is adapting well and it doesn’t bite me much anymore.

So happy and now every morning, I have something to look forward to when I wake up! YAY!!!

Oh ya, annoying Justin got one parrot too, he named it Flash but it wasn’t that fast to begin with. Haha!!!

Till then.


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